Magazine FAQ

When is the new issue of the magazine posted online?

The online magazine is posted to the web the day after the hard copy of the issue is mailed to members, i.e. the May/June issue will be put online on approximately April 27th.  We will make an announcement in the Hotline email and on the Workamper News Facebook page when the new issue is posted.

How do I view the online magazine?

The online version of the magazine is exactly the same as the print version.  It is a PDF file that you open and view in Adobe Acrobat Reader. With this program, you can go through every page, zoom in/out, save the whole thing to your computer, print any page, and do keyword searches.

You can go online any time of any day to view the magazine.  You just need to login to and go to the Online Magazine page to open and view the issue. On the page, the newest issue will be on the top left. Just click on the image of the issue to open. Here are two ways to find the online issues:

  1. Go to Click the Login link. Enter your login info. When it logs you in, it will take you to your Dashboard. Click on the Online Magazine button.
  2. If you are already logged in, click on the Dashboard link on the top right of the website. Then click on the Online Magazine button.

If you do not have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, you can go here. PDF is a pretty ubiquitous file type and it should also be viewable on your tablet or smart phone.

Workamper Diamond & Platinum members and Employer Gold members have access to the current and all available past issues of the magazine. Workamper Gold and Employer Intro members can view one past issue.

I'm having problems viewing the online magazine.

The first thing to check is - are you logged in to  A member must be logged in to the website in order to access an online issue.

Our online magazine is compressed as much as possible to make the smallest size possible for this type of file. You may experience delays or a time-out while downloading if you are using a slower internet connection.  We recommend that once you open the issue online, you click the Save button (or go to File -> Save As) and save the file to your computer, so that way you do not have to connect to the internet next time you'd like to open the issue.

You may need a PDF viewing program, like Adobe Acrobat Reader, in order to open the online version of the magazine.

When will I get my first issue of Workamper News?

When you receive your first issue will depend on the date that you joined or renewed your membership:

11/20 - 1/19 -- start with Jan/Feb issue (mailed from Dec 22 - Jan 19) -- and end with Nov/Dec issue (mailed Oct 22)

1/20 - 3/19 -- start with Mar/Apr issue (mailed from Feb 22 - Mar 19) -- and end with Jan/Feb issue (mailed Dec 22)

3/20 - 5/19 -- start with May/June issue (mailed from Apr 22 - May 19) -- and end with Mar/Apr issue (mailed Feb 22)

5/20 - 7/19 -- start with July/Aug issue (mailed from June 22 - July 19) -- and end with May/June issue (mailed Apr 22)

7/20 - 9/19 -- start with Sept/Oct issue (mailed from Aug 22 - Sept 19) -- and end with July/Aug issue (mailed June 22)

9/20 - 11/19 -- start with Nov/Dec issue (mailed from Oct 22 - Nov 19) -- and end with Sept/Oct issue (mailed Aug 22)

Note: The online version of the magazine is placed online the day after the hard copy mails. For Workamper Diamond & Platinum members and Employer Gold members - whatever day you join/renew, you will be able to view the most recent issue online immediately. Workamper Gold members and Employer Intro members - you can access one previous issue only, and online only.  Mailed magazine available to Workamper Diamond & Platinum and Employer Gold members only (who did not select to Go Green).

Are the ads in the magazine different from the Hotline email?

Yes!  If you are a Workamper member, you'll want to be sure to check both avenues for "help wanted" listings - the Hotline email & website page* and the bi-monthly magazine.

Some Employers will only advertise via the Hotline; some will only advertise in the magazine; some will do both!

We encourage you to look at past issues of the magazine as well - not just for the helpful articles, but you may also find an opportunity that was advertised for the location you want to be in/job you want to do.  Even if the advertisement was published awhile back, it can't hurt to contact the Employer and see if they have any openings today!  Most of our Workamper Employers have had a Workamper program for years and continue to.

*Hotline Jobs website page is only available to Workamper Diamond & Platinum members.

Can I opt to not get the magazine in the mail?

Sure!  We know as an RVer it can be difficult to keep up with receiving mail, and if using a forwarding service, it can be expensive!  That's why we have the option to Go Green.

With the Workamper Diamond and Platinum membership levels, you can select to Go Green when joining or renewing.  Being a "Green" member means we do not mail you a physical copy of the magazine.

We take each issue of our magazine and place it online. Each issue is a PDF file that can be accessed when logged in at - on your Dashboard click on the Online Magazine button.  The online version is the same as the printed version.

*Mailed copy of magazine only available to Workamper Diamond & Platinum level members. Workamper Intro and Gold members can only view a past issue of the magazine online only.

What if I do not receive the hard copy of the magazine?

[Printed on page 4 of every issue]  Workamper News is mailed on, or about, the 24th of the even-numbered months: February, April, June, August, October and December. If you have not received your magazine by the 19th of each odd-numbered month, first check with your mail forwarding service or anyone else who has access to your mail, including your local postmaster. Unforwardable or undeliverable magazines are usually returned to Workamper News. Rather than forwarding your mail, give us your new address and let us mail your issues directly to you, even for temporary addresses. The issue will arrive sooner and the chance of losing an issue will be less. If you are unable to locate your magazine, please contact our office so we can confirm that we have your correct address and to see if your issue has been returned by the Postal Service. There is a $4.50 charge (or a one-issue membership reduction) to re-mail or replace magazines (unless it is our error, of course).

To get specific...

First, please check to make sure you have joined/renewed with the Workamper Diamond or Platinum level or the Employer Gold level.  Also please check to make sure your membership is not set to "Green".  When you have selected to be "Green" you view the magazine online only, we do not mail a hard copy to you.  You can view your Green status (yes or no) on your Manage Account page. Click on the blue Manage Account button on the upper right of your Dashboard.

Second, is your membership current for this issue?  A yearly membership provides 6 issues, and your expiration date determines the last issue you will receive. You can find your membership expiration date on your Manage Account page and on the back cover of a magazine you received (it's above your name, to the right of your member number).  You can see which issue you will start or end with in the other FAQ question in this section labeled "When will I get my first issue of Workamper News?"

Third, please check your mailing address on your membership account. Click on the blue Manage Account button on the upper right of your Dashboard.

  1. If the address on your account is incorrect - this is the likely culprit. Please update your address by clicking on the [edit] link, make your changes, and click the Save button at the bottom.  If you'd like to have a second copy of the issue mailed to your correct address please contact us; there is a $4.50 charge (or a one-issue membership reduction) to re-mail or replace magazines.
  2. If the address on your account is correct and you're not Green and your membership is current for the issue then further investigation is needed.  The reasons that a piece of mail is not delivered are numerous!  Here are some things you can do to try to help insure you receive your mail:
  • Check in with your mail forwarding service (if you're using one) to ensure your account with them is current; make sure they understand you want to receive magazines; and ensure they have your correct forwarding address.
  • Contact our office. Our magazine printer runs the magazine mailing list through USPS address software and it generates a "questionable delivery" list.  Our printer usually provides us with this list and we can see if your address is on there.
  • Have you filled out a change of address or forward with the US Post Office anytime within the last couple years?  If yes, then the post office may have a different address in their records for you and they may be sending it to another address once one of the post offices receives it.  Call in to your local post office to inquire.
  • Have your mail sent directly to you instead of using a mail forwarding service or USPS forwarding.  It is very easy to change your address on your membership account.  Login to and click on the Manage Account button on the Dashboard. Click on any of the [edit] links to update your information, then click the Save button at the bottom of the page.  A deadline for mailing address changes for an upcoming issue is always included in the magazine and is posted in the calendar of the daily Hotline email.
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