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Read moreExpress Employment The Unbeetable Experience Jobinar

Special Job-Fair-Style Event! Learn everything you need to know about Workamping for Express Employment Professionals recruiting for the Sugar Beet Harvest. Presented live by the Express Employment Professionals Training Team, you'll get to see and hear the details of this "unbeetable" opportunity!
Earn up to $4,400 in 2 weeks! (Harvest length varies based on mother nature.) Eastern North Dakota & western Minnesota. Camping fees paid! Work at the receiving stations - not in the fields.
A big first step in the process of learning if this opportunity is right for your future! Come find out how you can join their team of Workampers. Attend live to ask your questions.
Can't attend live? No worries. Go ahead and register and we will send you an email with a link to the recording after the webinar takes place.
Hosted by Workamper News and presented by Express Employment Professionals.
9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT/ 11 a.m. CT/ 12 p.m. ET